Tag Archives: Divergent

Celebrity Showdown: Kate Winslet vs Cate Blanchett

22 Mar


This weekend, two of the most celebrated leading ladies in Hollywood, Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett, went head-to-head as villains in their respective big budget blockbusters.

But how do the two Oscar winners stack up against one another? That’s what ET’s Celebrity Showdown is here to discover. Looking at seven unique criteria that weigh box-office earnings, critic’s reviews, and award season gold, Celebrity Showdown examines the anatomy of both stars’ careers to determine who’s really the best.

So who will win between the Cate “The Pretty Tolkien Elf” Blanchett and Kate “Seriously, I was in Titanic” Winslet? For fun, take a guess, then check out our totally scientific results.*

*Results not actually scientific.

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The Totally Crazy Ways Hollywood Uses Fire To Sell Movies

13 Nov


[NOTE: I originally wrote this story for ETonline.com, where it was first published]

In the newly released poster for Insurgent, we see a brave, stoic Shailene Woodley standing on top of a cube-shaped building which is on fire. It’s also floating in mid-air through the middle of a post-apocalyptic cityscape, but that’s beside the point.


While admittedly the poster is a bit surreal, what really seems to set the tone is the blazing inferno raging beneath Woodley’s feet, pouring out of the windows.

It’s almost as if the poster designers were worried that the strange image of a warrior woman on a floating building wouldn’t be eye-catching enough. However, like sex and the color red, fire is used all the time by poster designers for a whole multitude of reasons – and with an equally large variety of insane results.

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